Cheers to 15 Years of Empowerment!

Empower Tanzania has been changing lives since 2008! Cheers to 15 years of EMPOWERMENT!

As 2023 comes to a close, we are filled with gratitude for what this year has brought and taught us. Every year helps us grow and make a greater difference. Throughout each of the past fifteen years, our organization has evolved to meet the changing needs for the communities we serve in Tanzania. From educational initiatives to economic independence, our dedication to sustainable change has been demonstrated through meaningful empowerment efforts. As we continue our remarkable journey of impact in rural Tanzania, we are reflecting on what has been accomplished in the last decade and a half by working together for positive change. A few highlights of our major milestones since 2008:

A few highlights of our major milestones since 2008:

  • Empowered 99 women experiencing gender-based violence with support systems

  • Achieved Fair Trade Federation Membership and launched Vumwe Designs, a blossoming social enterprise

  • Established Same Learning Center and 2 Kids Clubs in Msindo and Vudee

  • Completed 6 major water projects in Hedaru, Katahe, Njiro, Pangaro, Nadaruru, and Ruvu

  • Trained dozens of farmers in 4 communities through our integrated farming initiatives and started a demonstration farm for best practices

  • Educated over 2 million attendees and thousands of students in Same District through our health programs

Your support has allowed us to reach these achievements and contributed to our success in strengthening communities. As we look forward to the next chapter, your generosity is essential to fulfilling our vision for a vibrant future amidst ever-evolving challenges in the world. We envision that our essential health programs are expanded to new areas, economic opportunities are abundant, children receive quality education that encompasses vital life topics, and communities are empowered to manage land and resources and equipped to grow their own nutritious crops using modern methods. Your donation is more than just a gift that helps provide stable funding for our ongoing programs; it’s also a commitment to creating a more just and equitable world.

We aim to raise $15,000 in celebration of 15 transformative years through our year-end campaign dedicated to Phil Latessa. To donate to Empower Tanzania’s year-end campaign and help us move our mission forward for the next 15 years, click here.

Thank you for considering a contribution to Empower Tanzania this giving season and celebrating this monumental milestone with us. Here’s to the next fifteen years of empowerment! Cheers!


Improving Community Health Program: Expanding New Program to New Region


Phil Latessa Leaves A Legacy of Inspiring International Impact